Nail Biopsy Wound Care

Please wash your hands thoroughly before caring for the nail biopsy wound.


  1. Leave the pressure-dressing (applied at the office) on for 24 hours.

  2. After 24 hours, you may soak the bandage in warm water to help remove it.

  3. Elevate your hand or foot as much as possible to minimize pain and bleeding.

  4. Do not participate in strenuous exercise or lift more than 5 pounds for 2 weeks after your procedure.

  5. After a toenail biopsy, wear loose-fitting shoes for 1-2 weeks to allow room for a bandage and minimize pressure and trauma to the healing wound.

  6. Keep the bandage dry. Cover with a plastic bag to shower.

  7. If you are prescribed oral antibiotics, please finish the full course.

  8. It can take about 6 months to 1 year for a nail to regrow.

Cleaning and Caring for Your Wound

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before caring for your wound.

  2. Soak affected finger or toe in warm Epsom Salts (1 tablespoon per quart) for 15 minutes twice daily for the first week, and once daily thereafter.

  3. After soaking, apply mupirocin ointment to the wound and cover it with a new, clean, non-stick bandage or dressing.

  4. Keep the tip of the finger or toe open to the air to check for discoloration or redness.

Managing Side Effects

You may have throbbing, pain, swelling, bleeding, drainage, or sensitivity in your affected finger or toe after the biopsy. Follow these guidelines to help with side effects:

  • Keep affected hand or foot elevated (raised above the heart level). This will help decrease pain and swelling. ​

  • Discomfort may begin as soon as one hour after the procedure. You can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help with pain and or discomfort. Avoid taking aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Naproxen, or Aleve). These medications may increase bleeding.

  • Using a cold dry compress (ice pack) can help with pain, discomfort and swelling. Place an ice pack on your wound over the dressing for 15 to 20 minutes every hour, as needed.

  • If you have bleeding, press firmly on the wound with a clean gauze pad for 20 minutes. If the bleeding does not resolve, please call the office at (704) 230-1302.

Please call our office if you have:

  • A temperature of 100.4 or higher

  • Chills

  • Any of the following symptoms within your wound or surrounding area:

    • Increased redness or swelling at the tip of your finger or toe

    • Increased pain or discomfort

    • Your skin feels hard, warm, or hot to the touch

    • Yellow or green drainage

    • Foul odor

    • Bleeding that doesn’t stop after applying pressure

    • Blue or purple discoloration of the tip of your finger or toe

If you have any concerns please give Dr. Al-Dabagh a call at (704) 230-1302. After clinic hours, our line will have an option for urgent concerns, which will route directly to Dr. Al-Dabagh’s cell phone.

We will return your calls as soon as possible. If you are experiencing a life-threating event, please call 911 or seek help at the nearest emergency department.