Pigmentation disorders
melasma, vitiligo, post inflammatory pigmentation
Sometimes the skin may lose or gain unwanted pigment causing discoloration. There are many conditions that cause the skin to lose pigment including vitiligo, psoriasis, fungal infections, medications, post-inflammation, autoimmune disorders and excess sun-exposure.
Each case is unique and the cause of the pigment loss must be addressed to stop further damage and in some cases to repigment the skin. On the other hand, sometimes there is excess pigment deposition in the skin and this makes the skin appear darker. There are many disorders that contribute to skin darkening including inflammatory conditions, acne, psoriasis, lichen planus, medications, sun-exposure, hormones, nevi, and sometimes skin cancer such as melanoma.
Your dermatology provider will work with you to identify the reason for your pigment disorder and determine the recommended course of treatment.